Power supplies, adjustable power supplies

Power supplies

Adapters 12AD 12W

12AD adapters are intended to power devices from line voltage with power requirement less than 12 W.

Adapters 16AD 16W

In applications where 12AD adapters are insufficient, these adapters with higher 16 W power output will find their use.

75PS power supplies 75W

These power supplies are intended to power various devices in distributor boxes. Their mounting to a DIN rail is also matched to this purpose. 75PS power supplies are successor of the 70PS power supplies.

1PS power supplies 150W

These power supplies with sturdy construction are intended for industrial use.

120PS power supplies 120W

These power supplies were designed for security technics. Their functions are adapted to this utilization.

Backup power supplies in the cover

Backup power supplies 75PS13V8 K40/5A and 1PS13V8 K40/10A are designed to power device that require a continuous supply of direst current voltage 13,8 Vdc, respectively 12 Vdc.

85Z2 power supplies 85W

85Z2 power supplies are two-level power supplies with two independent voltage levels. Both levels have mutual negative terminal.

Adjustable power supplies SP150 150W

Adjustable power supplies find their use mainly in research, laboratories, schools and everywhere where the need is to often change power supply parameters.

Accumulator chargers NB 150W

Chargers serve for charging 12 V and 24 V lead-acid accumulators.

DC/DC converters 12DCR 10W

12DCR converters are intended to power devices which require galvanically separated input and output. They are mounted to a DIN rail.

DC/DC converters 40DCX 40W

12DCR converters are intended to power devices which require galvanically separated input and output. They are designed to be mounted into distributor boxes.

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