Ultrasonic welding of plastic boxes

08.02.2013, 12:27, spower-prod

One of the other applications of ultrasonic welding for plastic components with pneumatic pressure type UWP500 is its deployment to the production process at closing of plastic boxes for electrometer. A multinational company uses the welder in eastern Slovakia.

In solving the ultrasonic sonotrodes which directly affect to the quality and shape of the weld was necessary to take into consideration the entry conditions and customer requirements.

When design forms for plastic boxes, it does not count with possibility that the plastic parts to be welded by ultrasound. Therefore, it was necessary to devise a method and also sonotrodes to not leave visible signs on the product after welding, mainly due to the leakage of plastic from welded joints. Intervention to the form was not possible.

The customer's requirements included also that possible violent opening the box was visible. Time of ultrasonic weld on one box was also plumbless. In large series is another method (sticking) very difficult to use.

Ultrasonic welding machine is working at the customer from July 2011 in busy manufacturing process.

Ultrasonic welding allows customer to be more competitive in foreign markets, especially in terms of quality and repeatability of joining plastic boxes.

Those manufacturers who are thinking to place their products in plastic boxes and close them by ultrasonic welding, they should count with it when are designing forms for plastic parts.

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